Book report: Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus

Author: Mary Shelley.
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Lackington,Hughes,Harding,Mavor & Jones, Gradifco

The book "Frankenstein", tells the story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein told by himself as a confession of the creation of "the monster" that contrary to popular belief in the book this is never called Frankenstein,that name given to the monster was just the last name of the doctor who gave it life

The story begins with the letters of a British explorer named Robert Walton addressed to his sister where he explains to she the details of his trip to the North Pole where he met Victor Frankenstein, later in the book these letters become the story of Víctor which was the eldest son of Alphonse Frankenstein a rich and respected man and Caroline a young girl that after the death of his father had been orphaned and bankrupt.

Victor continues telling the story of his childhood where he talks about Elizabeth Lavenza a young woman born among gypsies who is an orphan is adopted by the Frankenstein family to become Victor's half sister and later also have two more brothers William, the youngest and Ernest, the medium, It was until the age of 13 that Víctor began to be interested in "elixir of life" theories of the origin of life and other investigations of that nature but after he saw a lightning strike a tree undoing causing it to leave aside those studies to devote to theories such as galvanization.

At the age of 17 Victor was concentrating on his studies in Ingolstadt Germany, but this is hampered by the scarlet or scarlet disease that his half sister Elizabeth contracted for which Victor felt something and although Elizabeth was quickly cured of scarlet fever her mother who took care of her also contracted the disease but it caused her death, but on her deathbed she told Victor and Elizabeth that she was blessing them for their marriage

Turning to the creation of the monster an aspect that I found interesting is that in the book the author never mentions how it is that Frankenstein gives life to the creature, so the fact that this is given life by electricity are speculations so to speak due to the fact that the book mentions a tree that is struck by lightning. In my opinion something that the author wants to express is the fact of facing the consequences of our actions since after the creation of the monster Victor escapes and is not able to confess what he had done which causes the monster to take the lives of his brother William and his wife Elizabeth and indirectly the life of his father and it is at that time that he finally gets the courage to face his creation. In addition, the book also touches aspects of life as the questions Who am I? Where I go? Which are reflected in a certain way in the monster after it is abandoned by its creator and must learn to deal with the contempt of human beings, as well as to communicate Issues that I really do that you can not stop reading the book and that are expressed in a very good way which I find surprising considering the age at which the author wrote this book.

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